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MY Testimony

Former Atheist who would be better described as an Agnostic by todays standards, simply because of intellect, background, and many other life narratives. I found myself BROKEN HEARTED, from an injury that led to a disability and a rare nerve condition, my eyes were on my problems and far, far away from God!

I found myself on nerve, pain, sleep, depression, & you name it pills & patches. W
hen the Doctors lost hope and told me that they may have to amputate my foot. I hit rock bottom at the thought of losing my foot to amputation!

After all by this point I had exhausted all my resources, seen 4 or 5 doctors, 5 or 6 physical therapist, and pain management specialists with a yearly medical cost of $20,000 dollars to manage the pain in an attempt to reverse the nerve damage that was leading up to the amputation!  

Searching for Hope & Answers!

Little did I know God had a plan. My mother decided to plant a Bible next to my evening chair where I like to read and listen to audio. One late evening I found GOD'S Word and began to read in the book of Job. For those who are wondering how much I knew about The Word of God. I thought Job was a book about earning money. After all I was having a hard time with work due to my current situation if you know what I'm saying.

Anyway, it didn't take long to understand the book I had opened up to was about a man named Job. As I read about Job. My Heart began to Cry because I had hit rock bottom just like Job and even though I could relate to all Job was going through. I found myself at a loss when it comes to finding any resemblance to hope.

Fortunately I set my selfishness aside and reached out to God. Little did I know, when I hit rock bottom, The ROCK I landed on was JESUS CHRIST !!!

After hours of reading and tears of prayer hit the floor, at the foot of my evening chair. I gave all of my life to HIM and HIM ALONE. After all HE gave all His life for Me. The least I could do was give mine back to HIM.

I had a True Heart Exchange with JESUS and fell asleep around 4 AM in the morning with my hearts desire to follow Jesus. To receive His healing touch and live for the Glory of GOD.

While sleeping I woke with a Vision and Promise that I was HEALED and my instructions were
 to always follow HIM.

In all HIS Marvelous Magnanimity Fire Rushed through my body and out of my right foot!!!

As the cold and color of purple from my rare nerve disease disappeared and the warmth of a normal feeling & strength returned to my leg. I became overwhelmed with tears of JOY as the normal color of my foot returned. It had been years since I felt this way.

How could this be?

When I fell asleep I could barely walk. But now in this miracle moment I was JUMPING up and down and RUNNING all around. I couldn't stop jumping and running throughout the house in unconditional and unmerited JOY!

It seemed now as if I could run a marathon. But, instead I Ran to rake leaves that afternoon for a near by Church. Then went to a jogging trail to RUN, RUN, RUN.

I ran 6 miles that day in Tears of JOY! I would have ran further. But, when I stopped to empty the gravel out of my shoes from the jogging trail. It wasn't gravel at all. It was the bottom of my foot bleeding from being inactive for such a long time. I had developed soft feet.

Overwhelmed would be an understatement!

I had my LIFE back and all I wanted to do was LIVE and GIVE it back to GOD...

Not long after this amazing miracle took place. 
I died in a Terrible automobile accident!

Yeah you heard me right. I DIED !!! As in DEAD. No longer in my body. Dead. This is where I finally began to understand this life is but a vapor, as my lifeless body lay there with blood everywhere.

I was very aware of all my surroundings and 
I could even see that I was a beautiful version of my former self. It seemed as if I was Spirit and light and Eternity all rolled into one amazing creation. I could see me, seeing me.

God told me, my mother and girlfriend needed me.  But in my selfishness I declined. It was to beautiful ! Knowing I would never be hungry or tired. Never feel pain. Just and overwhelming feeling of knowing and love. Then I began to think..

If I could tell someone about this it would have be amazing. It could change their life. It could save their life.

Even if I could simply tell one person about this it would be worth it. As I pondered this and my reasons for declining.

God asked again if I would like to go back. I still declined.

But then HE said..


I thought for a moment..

Ok well over five minutes. But then I thought again of all the people I could tell about Jesus. Then I agreed. In an instant I was back in my body taking a deep breath. I ripped my shirt off and tied it around my head, where my head was split open from the impact of being hit in my driver side door at 50 miles an hour. Crawled out of the passenger side of my truck and stumbled over to a police car for help.

Believe me they weren't expecting that!

After all they knew I was DOA and they were currently trying to help the family who hit me out. They were all pretty banged up but all alive.

When I exited my body. I watched as the people freaked out over the accident. I watched my lifeless body sitting slumped over in my truck with blood everywhere. I watched the ambulance arrive. I watched the fire truck arrive. I watched the police arrive and lastly I watched as they all frantically attended to the situation.

See they knew I was dead and 
The other family that was in the other truck were all injured but alive.

So the paramedics, fire department, & police were all doing there best to help the other family. I knew this from watching everything for such a long time. By this time the tow trucks were already there loading up the other truck.

To make a long story short here I am sharing my testimony with you.

Hopefully encouraging you to think about eternity & having a relationship with God. At the very least, I hope I have given you some reassurance in something you already know. For those who read this I Love You, Jesus Loves You, and if your breathing God has a Purpose and Amazing plan for your LIFE.

I'm encouraging you to LIVE it for HIM. Just Love :)
Because HE LOVES & wants a personal relationship with YOU!!! GOD finds Great JOY in having a Personal Relationship with HIS Children.

Hope Will Rise in the Hearts of a Generation, when there's no hidden agenda other than the
 true Heart felt Compassion of God for All People. Through the LOVE OF JESUS!!!

I promise You there really is a LIFE after this one and I'm so glad you don't have to die like I did to find this out & know the TRUTH.


I understand it may be hard to understand. As a former Atheist I still struggle with all that God has done through me since that day. He wasn't kidding when He told me He still had work for me to do. LOL..

Since that day I have learned what it is to truly believe The WAY & THE WORD Instead of The Way & The World.

I'm just a guy who got mad one day and decided if there really was a God and 
This Jesus that everyone proclaims is real, that I would give Him a chance out of my frustrations and He took me up on it. 

Oh man did He take me up on it and then He pursued me with a passion!

Did you know that God has that same passion for YOU!

I know it can be difficult. At first it was hard for me to process to. Mostly because I have always been very analytical. I loved science & complete explanations. But, I truly believe I experienced these things so that I could share them with YOU ! ! !

Please Don't wait for something as important as this. I'm asking you to open your heart and give God a chance. If you have NEVER received JESUS as your Lord and Savior. I'm inviting you right NOW..

It is a FREE gift that last a LIFETIME !!!

Simply Click on the tab above that says.. Receiving JESUS ?


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