The goal is to share The Good News with each person like it's the first time,
Even though you may have spoken the same Words thousands of times.
Keep in mind that your way of presenting The Good News will grow over time.
There will be many Building Blocks that will be added to your Foundation.
But, the most important One is The Cornerstone, Jesus Christ.
We must first build this Foundation and everything else will happen over time.
Then, you will find out of the abundance of your heart Luke 6:45, Matthew 12:34, Proverbs 4:23, and Proverbs 10:11, that words will flow in and out of you with the compassion and love of Jesus.
Jesus is the Author of Salvation: Hebrews 5:9
The Good News is for the world so they will not perish: John 3:15-16
Confessing The Good News with your mouth and believing it with your Heart: Romans 10:9-10
The Salvation message is very powerful because The Good News is The Power of God: Romans 1:16
The Basics of Sharing The Good News Continued
Generally speaking, most people will occupy 1 of 2 categories.
They know they're a sinner or they think they're not.
If they know they're a sinner, we share a message of Grace to lead them to Jesus Christ.
If they think they're good to go, we explain why we're not and how we've all fallen short of the glory of God and then share the same message of Grace as the first.
The one who knows they're a sinner or believes they're going to hell doesn't need you to tell them this.
They need to know how to fix this problem and that's why you're there and why it's such Good News.
We know from reading Ephesians 4:11-15 that some people are called to teach and equip other's to share The Good News.
We need to always remember. We're ALL called to share The Good News!
In this way, we can all mature, grow, and share our faith.
Testimonies should be concise and implemented when The Holy Spirit prompts or when needed to complement The Good News you've already shared to compel someone in hopes that it will draw them closer to God and not further away.
Remember, when sharing The Good News, it will lead to wonderful testimonies and persecution.
When sharing encouraging words, the one who receives will be blessed and encouraged.
Because the one sharing The Word is blessed and encouraged.
Sharing The Good News will lead to offered prayers, answered prayers, salvations, infillings, shall recover healings, and out right miracles.
But, we must never forget in order to have a Good foundation and Good fruit, we cannot – I repeat, we cannot live from our last BIG EXPERIENCE or we will generally only be as good as our last BIG EXPERIENCE or even worse our last experience, whether it was perceived to be good or bad will define who we are instead of who God says we are.
If we share from a position of love from the cross, then the Kingdom seed sown will always produce Good fruit because it came from a Good tree.
Sharing The Good News isn't about focusing or dwelling on our last BIG EXPERIENCE.
It's about the only Experience that someone may ever have with The Good News.
It's not about doing to become. It's because we have become – that we do.
If we do to be, we are only as good as our last BIG EXPERIENCE. But, if we are just being who we're created to be, it will be about the one standing in front of you or me.
One is pressure to perform. The other is pleasing to our Heavenly Father.
It's not your will power, It's Real Power, The will of God to live in and shine through His children who yield to His presence The Holy Spirit, in order to share His Good News.
His eternal word cry's out we're priceless and worth dying for and when we see things from His perspective, we will have the capacity and compassion to see others for who they're created to be and not their current situation or who they're currently being.
Example: This is why we must see people as Christ sees them. We must know who we are if we want others to know who they are.
The same person who thinks it's weird to raise their hands to worship God might be the same person who has no problem raising their hands in traffic for the devil, to express their feelings towards you.
It's important to understand the loving reason why,
Jesus teaches us to forgive them because they don't know what they do.
We need to remember, if people knew who they were,
They wouldn't think, say, and act the way they do towards you or others.
Jesus always showed love before healing or preaching The Kingdom is here, repent or repent The Kingdom is here.
To be able to do this, we have to quit making excuses because of self, or feelings and choose out of love to follow Jesus and make ourselves available to share The Good News.
We don't have to spend days, months, or years trying to warm up to people.
Waiting until the time is right.
Because, while we're warming up to them, if they die,
They'll be plenty warm where their going without Jesus.
2 Corinthians 6:2-11, NKJV, instructs us the time is now, Salvation is for today, because today is the day of Salvation.
And this is why we never assume we don't have to ask.
We have to ask!
Because, if we don't ask, we'll never know and there's a good chance they won't either.
This is why we will have our Point of Reference or our P.O.R.
But, for now we're just laying the ground work and Kingdom principles for throwing Kingdom seed and preparing the foundation for your P.O.R.
You'll find as time goes by and your relationship with Jesus Christ naturally grows.
The way you personally share The Good News from your perspective
Relationship with Jesus Christ will naturally grow and flow.
While we'll always have our foundational P.O.R.
It will expand into using earthly things to present a Heavenly Message about Jesus.
Similarly, we see Jesus weaving The Eternal Word with the things and ways of this world.
Teaching in parables and with physical presentations to connect with those around Him.
But, for now, we want to establish and go over a Novice P.O.R. and an Intermediate P.O.R.
Then, as time goes on.
Your P.O.R. will develop into an advanced and personal P.O.R.
That you will be able to move between
Utilizing all the information provided
Your life lived for
With Jesus Christ.
Let's look at your P.O.R.
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