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How to share your faith in Jesus Christ with people Advanced P.O.R.'s and Examples

It's a BIG world out there,

So here's some additional advanced information

to help share the Good news and Gospel of Jesus Christ

with the people around you.

This information could be added to your encounters

to add value or compel those who need more proof, information, or questions answered.

The Example given is what it might look like to expand your

intermediate P.O.R. into an Advanced P.O.R.

We will begin with your intermediate P.O.R. and expand as we go.

Let's begin!

The Advanced P.O.R.

Say, So listen, Most of the time we over complicate this.

But, it's actually super simple and it's a free gift.

It's something we can't work for.

We can't earn it' or even buy it.

We just have to freely receive it.

In Romans 10:9, The Word of God says,

If you confess with your mouth,”Jesus is Lord,”

and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,

you will be saved.

The reason why this is important is this.

In Genesis 1:26, God said,

Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness:

That's The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

You see you were created in the very image of God.

Then God said, let them have dominion over all the earth.

The reason why this is so powerful is this.

Think about this for just a moment..

The enemy is full of pride and wants to be God.

So he gets some of the angels to join him and tries to dethrone God.

Then, because he wanted to be like God and for his disobedience.

God cast him and the angels who sided with him down to earth

where it was full of darkness and void.


The devil who spent his entire existence anointed and adorned with precious jewels.

The model of perfection, wisdom, and the beauty of God's creation.

Who was constantly surrounded by light and the love of God.

Is now cast down to the earth and separated from God.

Where it is void of any beauty and full of darkness as part of his punishment.

Then as time goes by.

The Holy Spirit of God begins to hover over the face of the deep and God begins to speak.

Let there be light, and there was light, and it was good.

Then God proceeds to create the landscape,

every tree, green grass, birds, and all the fish in the sea.

And it was Good.

Everything God created was beautiful and good.

For six days God creates the earth and everything on, in, and above it.

And, proclaims it is Good.

A 3D masterpiece from the heart and mind of God Himself.

Every beautiful color, sweet sound, and warm ray of light.

Every single grain of sand and drop of water accounted for.

Every action and reaction.

The entire flow of existence accounted for

so it would stay in motion with perfection.

Now, the enemy must be watching and thinking.

This is Amazing!

See God isn't mad at me.

He must have forgiven me, because He is love.

He's creating all this for me.

This glorious creation.

Will be my very own kingdom to rule and reign over.

Then, on the sixth day!

God said let Us make man in Our image.

Then He gave man dominion and authority over all the earth

and told us to multiply and subdue it.

The enemy must have been furious!

In an instant,

he realizes what he thought was a gift from God is going to be his punishment!

His punishment for wanting to be like God.

Is to be surrounded by the image of God.

Surrounded by the children of God who go about doing good.

Walking in the fullness of there created image, value, purpose, and identity.

But, the devil knows that God didn't program us

like some of the birds to fly North and South.

God created us to have free will just like him.

So he decides to tempt us with the same thing he fell for.

The enemy says,

if you eat of the tree in the garden you won't die.

God knows you will be like Him.

And, we fell for it!

We were already like God!

We were already created in the image of God

and put on earth to shine in The Light of His glory.

If we would have listened to God 

here would be around 8 billion people on earth right now.

Walking in the fullness and image of God as the enemy's punishment.

But, the enemy never had to suffer one bit.

We fell before we could multiply and subdue anything.

We fell before Cain and Able could even be born.

And, as a result every person, ever born

was born into sin as a child of there father the devil, in the image of Adam.

Instead of the image of God!

God gave us free will and a destiny

and we handed it over to the enemy before we even got started.

Why is this important?

Because, God is The Word.

In the beginning was The Word,

and The Word was with God,

and The Word was God,

and The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

This is very important.

Because this is what makes God, GOD.

God is The Word and Even God must abide by His own Word

and this is what separates God from all man made false god's.

Psalm 138:2, Explains that He has exalted His own Word above His name.

So, if God made man in His image

and gave man dominion and authority over all the earth

and told us to multiply and subdue it,

and man handed it away to the enemy.

The only way to get it back is with a man.

So God sent The Son of Man to take it back!

Take what back?

You'll notice we were told if we eat of the tree we would die.

But, we didn't die.


What died?

What was lost? Besides our dominion and authority.

We were separated from God. Our perfect relationship broken and tarnished.

We lost our image, value, purpose, and identity.

Now, everything that was lost on the first tree with Adam,

was to be redeemed on the second tree through Jesus.

So God sent The Son of Man,

Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose from the grave.

Taking back that which was lost from the beginning.

While Jesus is faithful to forgive us of our sin.

It is vitality important that we understand.

He didn't go to the cross only because we're sinners.

He also went to the cross

to redeem our image, value, purpose, and identity.

He paid the priceless price to restore the very thing

we so freely gave away to the enemy and hands it back to us as a free gift.

We were bought with a price,

so we could be brought back into a perfect relationship

with our Heavenly Father and fulfill our original created purpose.

The children of God who love God with all there heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Loving one another as He loves us and going about doing good.

Our very purpose was to surround the enemy

with the very express Image, Love, and Light of God.

The angel who we call the devil

was created by God and wanted to be God

and was cast down to be surrounded by the Image of God.

The children of God were created in the image of God.

Therefore, the devils punishment

was to be surrounded by the image of God

for wanting to be like God.

So that every where he looks and everywhere he turns,

he would see the image of God


Be reminded of what he attempted to do, 

how he failed, and who he once was!

Now, hopefully you can see why the enemy

wanted us to fall for the same thing he fell for.

When we fell,

we became children of the devil


we look just like him without the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

There's one thing the devil has Never had a problem with


that's being surrounded by those who look like him.

This is what he wanted in the first place.

His entire goal is to kill, steal, and destroy.

Destroy what?

The very image, value, purpose, and identity

of God that he was to suffer and be surrounded by.

Thankfully, Jesus Christ came to restore all that was lost.

So that we might become the restored children of God and fulfill our destiny.

John 1:10-13, NKJV, says, 10 He was in the world,

and the world was made through Him,

and the world did not know Him.

11 He came to His own,

and His own did not receive Him.

12 But as many as received Him,

to them He gave the right to become children of God,

to those who believe in His name:

13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,

nor of the will of man, but of God.

How's that for a turn of events?

Why is it so powerful when we speak?

Because when God spoke, The world was created.

When God spoke, you were created.

When God spoke, there was light.

So you see when you speak it's more powerful than you'll ever know.

The second part is your heart.

Well,that's simple.

Because, that's all God really ever wanted in the first place. 


So He gave His Son

to gain His sons and daughters

back into a perfect relationship with Him.

The Word of God, In John 3:16, says,

God so loved the world

that He gave His only begotten Son

that whoever believes in Him

would not perish but have everlasting life.

So you see, He paid the priceless price of His Son Jesus.

Because He thinks your priceless


No one pays that high of a price for something that's worth nothing,

So God must really think your something.

Have you ever wondered, does God love me?

I mean so many people feel a certain way and live in uncertainty.

Not knowing if God loves them.

First of all, God says, He loves the whole world and that includes everyone.

God also says whoever.

So who's whoever? That's also EVERYONE!

Then to top it off,

we seriously know something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

The fact is your vehicle is worth what it's worth

because that's what Craigslist, Kelly Blue Book, and The NADA say it's worth.

In general, something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

Now, someone may pay a little more than what your asking

and that would be a blessing to be thankful for.

But, the reality is. Most of us want a good deal.

So we're going to want a discount.

Because everyone likes a good deal.

But, God didn't do this with us.

His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts.

 So to make sure there would be no confusion or gray area,

When it comes to our value to Him or His love for us.

God paid the priceless price of His Son Jesus Christ.

Because He loves us and knows we're priceless.

Even if we don't!

And, last but not least, that Jesus died and God raised Him from the dead.

The reason why this is so important is so that you know, that you know,

He has power over life and death.

He has the authority to give us a home in Heaven.

But, even more importantly, so that Heaven can make it's home in us.

The Word of God tells us that we're dead in our trespasses

and all our works and deeds are filthy rags before Him.

But, when we receive Jesus we're born again, transformed, and redeemed.

The Word of God says we have become a New Creation in Christ Jesus.

That's something that never even existed before.

We never put new wine into old wine skins.

We put new wine into new wine skins.

Jesus tells us that we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God

unless we're born of water and the Spirit.

In John 3:5-7, NKJV, Jesus says, 

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and The Spirit,

he cannot enter The Kingdom of God.

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, 

and that which is born of The Spirit is spirit.

7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.

What does this mean?

It means,

We're all born through an earthly mother.

Her water breaks and we're born the first time into this world.

Born into Selfishness and Sin.

But, we must be Born again by The Holy Spirit.

The Word of God says over and over that Jesus didn't come to baptize by water.

But instead, He came to baptize with The Holy Spirit and fire.

Here's four Scriptures just for your personal information and study.

Matthew 3:11, NKJV, says, 11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance,

but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry.

He will baptize you with The Holy Spirit and fire.

Luke 3:16, NKJV, says, 16 John answered, saying to all,

I indeed baptize you with water;

but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose.

He will baptize you with The Holy Spirit and fire.

Mark 1:8, NKJV, says, 8 I indeed baptized you with water,

but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”


John 1:33-34, NKJV, says, 33 I did not know Him,

but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me,

‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him,

this is He who baptizes with The Holy Spirit.’ 

34 And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”

Continue by saying.

Please keep in mind the one who is speaking and stating these facts


Baptizes with water,

Is none other than John the Baptist himself.

Why is this so important?

When we believe and receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, 

A miracle takes place. 

Because, the dead are brought to life in the here and now and as a result of this decision.

One day when this dirt body hits the ground, we'll also have a home in Heaven.

Do you see what I'm saying? 

Or Do you see the importance of what I'm getting at?

Ultimately it's not about what you don't know. 

It's about what you do know and that you believe What I'm sharing with you

is The Truth and That The Truth will set you free.

Really, if we look deeper into The Word of God.

We find that it's understanding the Truth that will set you free


Jesus is the Truth, The Life, and The Way.

Do you understand the Truth that I'm sharing with you?

I'm asking you to not worry about what you don't know and let God meet you right where you're at.

So after everything I have shared with you. Let me ask you this.

Do you believe in God? OK

So let me ask you this.

Do you believe Jesus died for you and God raised Him from the grave? OK

So listen, this is the most amazing and important decision you will ever make in your life.

But, it's between you and God.

Not you and me.

It's between your heart and His.

So do your best to focus on God and not on me.

I'm just here to help and pray with you.

So check it out. Let's pray this together.

Between you and God.

Just say,

Heavenly Father,

Note: They may say who me?

Or Where? Right here!

You may have to remind them.

It will only take a moment


how important this decision is.

You may have to remind them it's just between them and God.

Between their heart and God's heart.

You may have to let them know you're not going to be loud or anything like that.

You may have to remind them Jesus says those who are ashamed of Him.

He will also be ashamed of before His Father in Heaven.

You may have to let them know,

if they will be bold and humble themselves.

The Lord will honor this moment because the have chosen to be humble.

You may have to remind them that the opposite of love isn't hate.

The opposite of love is selfishness


in order for a miracle to take place.

There has to be at least two selfless people.

One to share the love of God and the other to receive it.

And, that's exactly why you're there to pray with them.

Then start again.

So listen, would you be willing to humble yourself

and meet God right here, right where your at?

OK, so let's pray this, Just between you and God.

Say, Heavenly Father,

Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die for me.

I confess with my mouth

and receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior

and I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead.

Thank You that I'm forgiven of all my sins and set free.

Right here, Right now, I am a child of God.

Restored and Redeemed, in Jesus name. Amen!

Note: Some people may not understand why people pray to receive Jesus.

You may have to let them know

you understand how they feel and that there really is no prayer of Salvation.

Be straight forward and let them know about 100 years ago

man came up with a prayer to help us make

a personal decision to follow Jesus


to remember when we made that decision.

You may want to let them know.

There are many places in The Word of God

That helped to lead them to praying a prayer to receive Jesus


That ultimately the focus isn't about praying a prayer to get to Heaven

As much as it is a personal decision to receive Jesus Christ


Let Heaven make it's home in them.

Remind them, Romans 10:9, is one the closest things we have to the prayer of Salvation.

Ultimately, it's between them and God and Only God will really ever know.

When someone receives Jesus.

Do your best to be aware of their time and the atmosphere.

Encourage them with the date and the importance of what just happened.

Encourage them to stay plugged in where they're at or invite them to church.

Please remember when inviting people to church,

in public places like the mall or Wal-mart

you have to ask them to ask you to be invited.

Otherwise it's considered soliciting.

Ask if they have a Bible or Bible app on there phone.

If not encourage them to download one from itunes or google play.

Again, just be aware of there time and space.

If they're hungry for more. Spend time with them.

Talk to them about their next steps, church, the Holy Spirit, and so on.

If they're not hungry for more or they're in a hurry.

We must always trust God to guide them just like He has with each of us.

Additional Advanced P.O.R.

There may be situations

when someone has previously had a bad experience with the church


Mans religion among other things.

Maybe they think they can or they have to work their way to Heaven.

Then a great example to compel

would be a description of the two thief's who hung on the crosses

to the left and right of Jesus in Luke 23:39-43.

You could say something like.

Let me share something with you real quick.

One of the greatest examples and pictures of the world. Is this.

There were three crosses

one on the left and one on the right

with two thieves on them and Jesus at the center of it all.

The thieves represent the world.

Because we're all thieves who've fallen short of the glory of God

and all of our works are filthy rags.

In Romans 3:23, KJV, The Word of God says,

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

And Isaiah 64:6, KJV, says,

6 But we are all as an unclean thing,

and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;

and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.


Because God is Holy and perfect and we're not.

In James 2:10, The Word of God says,

10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point,

he is guilty of all.

Simply stated. Sin is Sin.

So you might not murder.

But, have you ever been angry at someone?

Because God sees this as the same thing.

So maybe you've never committed murder

because you've managed to never become angry since birth.

But if you've ever lied or messed up in one way, then your guilty of all.

Now we see one thief hurled insults at Jesus.

But, the other thief said, to Jesus,

In Luke 23:42-43, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

43 And Jesus said to him,

“Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

What do we see here?

First the two thieves are a picture of the world

and Jesus is at the center of it all. 

Also, some will scoff and reject Jesus

and others will see The Truth and believe.

The thief who put his trust and faith in Jesus

Couldn't pull the nails out of his hands and feet and jump off the cross.

He couldn't find favor or earn bonus points with Jesus

by attending Sunday and Wednesday services.

He couldn't serve at a soup kitchen or become rich

and buy his way into the grace of God and Heaven.

He simply had to trust and believe in his heart that Jesus is The Way!

We are no different than these thieves.

Some of us will scoff and make fun.

Some of us will simply choose to believe and receive Jesus.

Some even think they could do a better job than Jesus

and that's like spitting in the face of God.

While others simply understand we cannot work our way into Heaven.

We must simply believe and trust in God and the finished work of Jesus.

Do you see what I'm saying?

So listen, would you be willing to meet God right here, right now,

right where you're at and pray to receive Jesus with me?

Just believe this between your heart and God.

Say, Heavenly Father,

Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die for me.

I confess with my mouth

and receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior

and I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead.

Thank You that I'm forgiven of all my sins and set free.

Right here, Right now, I am a child of God.

Restored and Redeemed, in Jesus name. Amen!

Additional Advanced P.O.R.

Explaining the truth about the disciples.

Who they were


what they really went through for this message of faith, hope, and love.

You could say something like.

Listen, I understand.

The disciples were all just living their lives, just like we are.

They even were earning a good living.

Six of them were fishermen, with boats, nets,

and all the gear it took to be successful.

And, being a fisherman was a good business and still is to this day.

It's dangerous. But, a good living.

We see a doctor, known as Luke.

A tax collector named Matthew

and even a Jewish leader named Paul

who helped to have Christians taken out of their homes, persecuted

 and even thrown into prison.

Paul even helped kill Steven, the first recorded Christian Martyr.

But, they and many others all turned 180 degrees


Went all in for this same message of faith, hope, and love

Once they had an encounter with Jesus Christ.

Every disciple except John of Patmos gave their lives for this message


The only reason John didn't die

was because God was writing Revelation through him.

Believe me, they tried to kill him


When they couldn't, they banished him to the island of Patmos,

Where he finished writing The Book of Revelation and died of old age.

Andrew was crucified.

Peter was hung upside down on a cross.

Thomas was run through with spears.

James was stoned and clubbed to death and on and on the stories go

with names we don't even know.

Paul alone proves the Gospel.

He was a respected and high ranking Jewish leader who knew the Torah inside and out.

He loved God so much,

that he was willing to kill and persecute Christians to prove it.

Until, he had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus,

where Jesus blinds him and Ask Paul,

why are you persecuting me?

After receiving a revelation that to persecute a Christian was to persecute God himself.

Paul changed his ways and gave his life to spread The Good News.

Paul was Whipped, Beaten, Shipwrecked, Stoned,


Thrown in Prison,

Where he wrote Two Thirds of the New Testament

with The Holy Spirit of God as his guide


Eventually had his head loped off.

All for what?

For loving others!

For a message of faith, hope, and love.

He even became a tent maker to earn a living.

Because he didn't want anyone to take his ability to boast

in The Good News of Jesus Christ

by others thinking he was in it for the money instead of The Truth.

This simple truth alone proves The Gospel.

Knowing that normal people like you and I gave their lives

for this message of faith, hope, and love

when they could've been doing anything else

other than being persecuted for loving others

so we could know The Truth that I'm sharing with you right now,

should at least cause some thought.

Think about it!

God gave one Son to gain many sons and daughters

back into relationship with Him.

So, He paid the priceless price of His Son because He thinks your priceless.


Nobody pays that high of a price for something that's worth nothing.


God must really think you're something.

Do you see what I'm saying?

Listen, would you be willing to humble yourself and meet God right here,

right where you're at?

Knowing it's not about your past.

It's about right here, right now, and your future.

Because God is always faithful and just to forgive us.

It's not about what you don't know.

It's about what you do know


That's The Truth I'm sharing with you right now.

The Word of God says The Truth will set you free.

Even better than that.

It actually says Understanding The Truth will set you free.

(Share the Romans 10:9, P.O.R.)


If you have already shared the Romans 10:9, P.O.R.,


Used something like this to compel.

Circle back to see where they're at now after what you have shared with them.

Additional Advanced P.O.R.

You will meet people who say stuff like.

Oh! No Thanks, I'm not religious.


Oh! Sorry I'm not into religion, etc.

A simple response could sound something like this.

That's actually a really good thing.

Because, it was never supposed to be about man's religion.

It's supposed to be about a real relationship with God.

Now, don't hear me wrong. True religion is actually pretty amazing.

It's an unconditional, unchanging message about faith, hope, and love.

The Word of God in James 1:27, says that,

Pure and Genuine religion in the sight of God The Father

means caring for orphans and widows in their distress

and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

True religion is about relationship and the unconditional love of God.

Now man's religion, that's a whole other subject.

So many goodhearted people

have been hurt & upset

by what they see, hear, or experienc

By those claiming to represent God

without actually personally knowing God.

Mostly because of a misunderstanding of Love and Self.

But, we must ask our self.

Were my eyes on God or were they on man?

Was I there for them or Him?

Because the only way I could be there for them is if I know Him.

The best thing you could ever ask is this question.

What did Jesus do?

Not, what would Jesus do?

Because, most people don't know what Jesus did,

so most people wouldn't know what He would do.

If we knew what Jesus did.

Then we could truly see things from His perspective and ask the question.

What would Jesus do?

But, even so it's always better to ask yourself. What did Jesus do?

Listen, if it doesn't look like something Jesus did or something Jesus would do.


It doesn't sound like something Jesus said or something Jesus would say.

Then, that should be a dead give away.

Seriously though, I'm with you.

I'm all about relationship too because that's what God wanted in the first place.

I mean think about it.

God gave one Son to gain many sons and daughters, and build into your P.O.R.

Additional Advanced P.O.R.'s

P.O.R. for people who have obvious disabilities.

This is in regards to something they were born with

or seem to have had for some length of time.

Please don't confuse this with a wrist brace from a recent fall

or someone using a crutch with a knee brace on from football season this year.

Or anything similar to this.

There are Two categories here.

The first are obvious and more permanent situations.

The second are situations that appear if it were given enough time to heal,

it would heal.

Or another way to look at it is this.

If given enough time. The way God created our bodies to heal, it would heal.


It's The Will of God that we be healed.

We see this in His Word.

We know this through Jesus Christ.

And, finally, we know that God created our bodies to naturally heal.

So, if it wasn't the Will of God for us to be healed.

Then He wouldn't have made us this way.

What I'm saying is this.

If you accidentally cut yourself.

Your body will naturally heal the cut and restore itself.

The simple fact that God created our body's to heal themselves in this way

Proves that Healing is The Will of God.

The basic foundations and P.O.R. For the first above mentioned

When approaching someone with a permanent disability,

we do not judge them by their disability.

We do not open with or directly offer prayer for their disability.

We simply love them with no agenda, just like we should with anyone else.

Then, when we offer prayer, we simply ask, Is there anything you would like prayer for?

Or, is there anyone or anything that's been on your heart that you would like prayer for?

Let them know that God can do anything and you would love to agree with them in prayer for whatever has been weighing on there heart.

It's very important that you offer prayer in some way similar to this.


Because the odds are the person in let's say a wheel chair

has always been looked at as the person in a wheel chair

and they may have other things going on in their life that they would like prayer for.

The guy in the wheelchair

may want prayer for his struggling marriage.

The lady in the wheelchair

may want prayer for her two daughters

who will soon leave for college.

The lady in the wheelchair may have a child

who just left for college and she is very lonely and

Would just like someone to listen while she talks.

The guy with an oxygen tank and walker

might want you to pray for his grandchildren


The recent loss of his wife.

The young man who is deaf

may simply need a door to open for a job.

The young girl who is deaf

may want to read lips better

so she can make new friends at school.

The point is,

we Never, I mean Never, prejudge someone by there situation or circumstance.

We simply meet them with a genuine heart

and pure motives right where their at.

If their faith rises up to meet yours, then great.

Either way you're there to be the vessel God chose

to draw them closer to Him.

One final note: Many amazing people have left churches all across America

because they became fed up with people constantly judging them for their disabilities.

People are so much more that their situations.

They have dreams, feelings, homes, cars, bills and beautiful families

just like anyone else

and they may just want prayer

for one of these things

like anyone else.

Even though people may mean well in offering prayer for someone's disability.

We need to see people for who they are

and not their current or what seems to a permanent situation.

Really, the best thing someone can do

is take some time to get alone with God

and put yourself in their situation and ask yourself.

How would I want to be treated?

The basic foundations and P.O.R.

For the second or more temporary above mentioned

These are more forward thinking.

But, we still want to listen closely and meet them where their at.

For instance, someone may have an injury from a car wreck


Lost there job because they're having a hard time getting around.

Maybe they lost their mother unexpectedly to cancer


With everything going on, they forgot to pay their car insurance.

Then, because they were in a car wreck with no insurance.

They were unable to replace their transportation and lost their job.

Either way. When dealing with more temporary injury's or life's circumstances.

You might simply say something like this.

I see you injured your knee. Are you OK?

Or something like.

I noticed you're wearing a wrist brace. Are you OK?

So listen, has anyone prayed for you knee or wrist.

If you don't mind, I would love to pray with you about this or that. Etc.

It's important to ask. Are you OK?

Instead of. How did that happen?


What happened?

The fact is,

they have probably told the story countless times

and we're not trying to be like everyone else they have told the story to.

It's not the story we should be concerned with.

It's the person and how they're doing.

Lets look at an example of what NOT to say!

Your friend gets in a bad car wreck.

When you see them. You say something like.

Oh wow that looks bad. Is you car OK?

Do you see how this sounds.

It appears that you're more concerned about their car than you are their well being.


When you see them you ask. What happened?

Both of these questions give the appearance

of wanting to know more about what happened,

Than actually caring for the person.

Now, obviously most peoples intentions

aren't to be rude or just have some new gossip to tell everyone.

But, when approaching someone you know or don't know

about an obvious injury or situation.

Let us show our thoughtfulness and willingness

to care for their well being and pray for them first.

Then, once you have shown that you care

by asking if they're OK and asking if anyone has prayed with them yet.

You can meet them where they're at and possibly offer to help in some way.

Then, because they know and believe you actually care,

maybe they'll share more and open up with you.

Really, just put yourself in their situation.

Imagine what it's like to have a cast on for two months


How many times you might have to re-live the moment

that life has so generously dealt you.


Your amazing reward is getting to tell the same story

over and over and over again.

Think how refreshing it would be for someone to genuinely care

and ask about your well being.

Think how nice it would be to have someone believe with you for a miracle

or swift recovery without actually telling the story of how you manage to get injured.

Remember a little love goes a long way


a little encouragement might brighten someones day.

It's all about perspective, relationship, and becoming more like Jesus.

So the world can experience more of The One who Frees Us!


Final thoughts,

Hopefully these articles are encouraging you
and shedding some light on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please remember,

One of the most important aspects of the journey
is the your relationship with God
as you walk with and share Jesus Christ with the world around you. Amen!


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