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A Few Final Thoughts on Fasting and Prayer


A Few Final Thoughts on Fasting and Prayer

Some may find it difficult to pray.

It is very common for someone

to humbly step out in faith to know God more.

Only to find out they don't really know where to begin.

Then after a short amount of time.

They feel like there's nothing to pray about.

When really it's not that at all.

It's just we don't know how to pray in a relational way.

While there's something wonderful about dancing


simply sitting in the presence of God.

It's important to speak your own words into existence.

When we don't know what to pray.

We pray in The Spirit.


The Holy Spirit prays on our behalf.


We also need to build our relationship with God

with words we understand.

We need to relax


Be open and vulnerable with our Heavenly Father.

Share your thoughts and heart about life,

family, heaven, work, love, forgiveness, joy, hope, faith,

peace, strength, His wonderful Word and the like.

Ask for wisdom and understanding.

Praise and worship God with all your being.

Ask Him to help you become more like Him everyday.


Most of all if you love God.

Then you should naturally remember

to tell God you love Him every day!

I am always amazed at how easily we tell our mom, dad, spouse, or children,

we love them without even thinking about it.

Yet somehow we can go days without telling God we love Him.


Well, the simple answer is, Relationship.

It's easy to tell your kids or spouse you love them.

In a text,

before hanging up the phone,

when you leave the house,

or even before bedtime.


Because you have a genuine heart felt Relationship with them.

In the same way,

We should want to spend time with God


The natural result of a real relationship will always be love.

Hopefully this information will cause thought

or reaffirm what you already know.

Sometimes we just need something

to set the tone for a conversation in prayer.

Just like anything else.

Sometimes we just need an Ice Breaker.

Please don't take any of this information


somehow turn it into a man made religious routine.

It's meant to help open the door for a real,

close, deep, meaningful, relationship with God.

In Matthew 6:9-13, NKJV, Jesus says this when teaching how to pray,

9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.

10 Your kingdom come.

Your will be done On earth

as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

13 And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Jesus gives us great insight into prayer in Matthew 6.

With patience, we can begin to press in from the first sentence.

Our Father in Heaven “

This is a great place to spend time with God in prayer

by simply acknowledging.

He is your Heavenly Father.

Thank Him for being a wonderful and loving Father.

Thank Him for not being full of fault like an earthly Father.

Praise God because He is perfect and loves you perfectly.

Think how amazing it is that He knew you

before you were in the womb and that you have the privilege

and get to be His son or daughter.

Focus on the fact that God is your forever, faithful,

forgiving, Father, and you're His child.

After spending time with God acknowledging

He is your perfect, loving, Heavenly Father.

Thank God for Heaven and the blessing of knowing

you have an eternal hope and home there.

Praise Him for preparing a place for you in Heaven.

As well as letting Heaven make it's home in you.

Thank Him for the beauty of Heaven,

the angels, the disciples, Jesus Christ,

and all those you will be reunited with one day.

Now, you may be wondering.

Why the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6?

The simple answer is this.

Most people know the Lord's prayer

or at least some version of it.

At minimum most people know at least a small portion of it

and for this reason.

It's a great point of reference for prayer.

The purpose of this information is to provide a platform

to begin pressing in deeper with prayer naturally and without struggle.

It's not about memorizing or confessing Scripture.

It's about Relationship.

With that being said

let's continue with the next sentence in Matthew 6.

Holy is Your Name “

You can honor and spend time

with your Heavenly Father here in prayer.

Declaring His holiness.

God is Holy beyond compare and worthy of all praise.

Humbly join all of heaven and the angels when you sing and pray.

Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty !

Then you will have positioned and humbled yourself

to properly present passionate prayer.

Exalt and lift up the Perfect, Holy, and Powerful Names of God.

By pressing in and proclaiming the Names of God.

You will precisely reveal His Holy and Pure Attributes.

To know the attributes of God

Is to know God more


To know God more

Is to know the true you that Jesus Christ died to restore.

Praise God for the precious promises

found in His glorious names.

Thank Him for the wisdom to understand the depth


meaning of His Holy names.

In this way you could spend an eternity

pressing in and proclaiming The Holy Names of God.

Take some time to acknowledge our great God.

He is worthy beyond compare!

Here's some names to get you started:

Abba Father, Messiah, The Everlasting, Jehovah,

Yahweh, YHWH, The Mighty One,

The Divine Trinity, The Lord, The God of Host,

The Lord God Almighty, Advocate, God,

Consuming Fire, Jesus Christ, The Alpha and Omega,

The All Sufficient One, The Ancient of Days,

The Anointed One, High Priest, Atoning Sacrifice,

Author and Finisher of our Faith,

Author of Eternal Salvation, Prince of Life, Author of Peace,

The Mighty One of Jacob, The Creator,

The Blessed Hope, The Bread of God,

The Bread of Life, The Bridegroom,

The Bright and Morning Star, The Chief Cornerstone,

Chief Shepherd, Christ our Passover,

Hope of Glory, The Comforter, Counselor, Day Spring,

Day Star, The Deliverer, Master, The Door,

I AM, Most High God, He Is, Stone of Israel,

Everlasting Father, Everlasting God, Everlasting King,

Faithful and True, Faithful Creator, Faithful Witness,

Father of Glory, Father of Lights,

Father of Mercies, Father of the Fatherless,

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, First born of all creation,

Sure Foundation, Fountain of Living Waters,

Glorious Lord, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,

God of all flesh, God of all Grace, God of Heaven,

God of Knowledge, God of Love and Peace,

God of My Life, Mercy, Praise, Righteousness, and Rock.

God of Truth, God our Savior,

God our Shield, God the Judge of All, Good Shepherd,

Great High Priest, Trinity, The Holy One,

Heavenly Father, Horn of My Salvation, Immanuel,

The Lord who Sanctifies you,

The Lord our Banner, The Lord is my Shepherd,

The Lord that Healeth, Jesus of Nazareth, Mediator,

Just One, The King of Glory, King of Kings, King of Nations,

Light of Israel, Light of the World,

Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Living Stone,

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Lord God,

The Lord of Lords, The Lord of the Harvest,

The Lord of Sabbath, Love, My Buckler, Defense,

Refuge, Exceeding Joy, Fortress, Friend, Glory,

Goodness, Help, Helper, Hiding Place, Shield,

High Tower, Lamp, Portion Forever,

Praise, Redeemer, Rock, Salvation, Song,

Strength and Power, and Only Begotten Son of God.

Our Guide, Lawgiver, Life, Peace, Potter, and

The Great Physician, Prince of Peace,

Righteous One, Savior of the world,

The Resurrection and The Life,

The Way, The Truth, and The Life, Tower of Salvation,

The True Vine and The WORD!

Ultimately we should always be more concerned

about His great Name than our great name!

Your Kingdom Come “

Spend time here thanking God for His Kingdom.

It's a Treasure of New and Old Gems of Truth.

The Invisible Kingdom.

Made Visible through Jesus Christ

to reign in the hearts of The Children of God forever!

Thank God that His Kingdom rules over all.

Thank God for The Good News and that His Kingdom reigns

in your heart and the hearts of others.

Thank God His Kingdom is Holy.

Thank God His Kingdom is established.

Thank God His Kingdom is received.

Pray His Kingdom Come!

Your Will Be Done “

Thank God that His will is done.

Not your will. But, His Will.

Because His Will Power is Real Power.

Pray if your will be found.

That it's found in His Perfect Will

so that your living humble, holy, and acceptable to Him!

On Earth As It Is In Heaven “

Take time to give thanks to God for all the earth


giving you dominion and authority over it.

Thank God for thinking of you when He made the earth


Every intricate detail on it, in it, and above it.

Thank God for every incredible discovery, adventure,


detail that declares His glory.

Every beautiful flower, grain of sand,

drop of water, mineral, animal


there amazing purpose.

From the sunrise

to the Extraordinary way the Northern lights dance in the sky


Pray His Will is done on the earth


His Glory is revealed through it.

In the same way that everything man

has ever created is just an extension of who we are.

So is everything God has ever created

a beautiful and glorious extension of who He is.

Thank God that you're not of this world


no matter what life throws at you.

No matter what life says.

If it's not that way in Heaven.

Then it's not supposed to be that way here on Earth!

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread “

Take time to thank God for His Word.

Because It's eternal bread for our Spirit.

Praise God for always providing daily bread

for our flesh while thanking Him for the faith


Wisdom to never live by this alone.

Knowing that He provides exactly

what we have need of every day.

Giving us the grace and faith

to live in the moment.

So that we never find ourselves

living in an unforgiving past


the worries of an unforeseen future.

Simply because He is the Bread of Life


our manna from Heaven.

Knowing that if He feeds the birds.

Then how much more will He take care of you.

The one He created in His image


Paid the Priceless Price of His Only Begotten Son for.

Thank God that in the same way

your flesh needs earthly food to live.

Your spirit hungers


thirst for righteousness, freedom,


Life more abundantly,

to always bring Him glory. Only More!

Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors “

Spend time here thanking God

for setting the example of unconditional love


Forgiveness through the cross and His Word.

So that we can follow

in the compassionate footsteps of Jesus Christ.

We know Jesus could have just as easily responded as we often do and said,

That's it! They're not worth it! They're so selfish!

They will never learn! They're so hard headed!

Look at what they've done to me! Look at my face!

I'm Done! I can't believe I continue to love them


they don't love me back.

This is ridiculous!

Get me off this wretched cross!


But Jesus didn't say anything like this at all.


Because He is love and love doesn't seek it's own.

We all know the above statements sound nothing like our Lord and Savior.

In the same way,

self focused things like this should also sound funny

coming out of the mouths of those who follow Jesus.

We're called to love and forgive others

in the same way as Jesus loves and forgives.

Remember Jesus taught His disciples to follow Him

in this way and if it were not possible.

He wouldn't have taught His disciples it was possible


Then commanded them to go and teach others

to follow Him and do the same.

When we understand,

that if people understood the fullness of who they were created to be.

They would never say or do the things they say and do.

Ask God to always grace you

with the ability to walk in forgiveness.

So you're more than able to represent Him well.

Freedom abounds in this amazing Truth.

When one forgives.

One is forgiven.

Forgive them for they know not what they do.


Know with certainty that God forgives you.

For a clear conscience leads to a clean heart!

Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil “

Take time to thank God

that you'll never be tempted more than you can bear.

Praise Him for being your deliver


Always making a way out

so that you're more than able to stand strong in the faith.

Refuse to take part in anything

that supports the works of the enemy and his false kingdom.

Ask God to guard your heart


Declare that you will not be a Christian

who knowingly has one foot in the enemy's camp.

While the other is in His.

Ask God to always reveal The Truth

and show you things from His perspective.

Ask Him to break your heart for what breaks His

So that you're more than able to walk in The Light

as He's in The Light.

In all circumstances focus on The Savior


not the Storm,

On Worship


not the Waves,

On Praise


not the Problems of this life.

If a temptation persist

to the point of doing something you don't want to do.

Yet you continue to do it anyway.

Then you must stand your ground


Visualize the terrible ways the enemy uses this very thing

to further his purposes


his false kingdom.

Including all the lives it destroys.

The pain it leaves behind.

The ripple effect it has


The plain and simple fact

that you're helping the enemy's kingdom,

Instead of your Faithful Heavenly Fathers Kingdom.

Press in with praise and worship

To a place of compassion


communion with Jesus Christ

that reveals how He sees the situation.

All the while knowing that God

can deliver us out of every evil temptation.

Remember the fact that you didn't want to do

what you did in the first place

Reveals your heart and your motive


God is always faithful and just to forgive you.

For Thine Is The Kingdom,

And The Power, And The Glory, Forever.

Amen. “

Thank God that all of His Kingdom

is sustained by His Unlimited Eternal Power


That it's all for His Glory !

Thank God that He alone is forever worthy without end,


That our prayer, praise, and worship,

Will also forever be without end.

Amen & Amen!

With that being said.

Please remember,

True prayer happens from a personal relationship with God


This information was given as a small point of reference

to get you thinking about all the possibilities

that exist to help position you to pursue


Naturally Press in with our Supernatural God.

In Closing,

May we always understand.

Time is the one thing that keeps ticking

even when others don't.

Those who are lost

do not have the same luxury

of those who have Christ


A limitless availability of time.

It seems as though there is never enough time


Therefore many people find themselves in a hurry

to get nowhere fast.

With time being in such great demand.

The world places great value on time.

To the point of idolizing time itself.

While we're called to be good stewards over the time we've been given.

Showing up on time, getting things done on time, and so on.

Those who have Jesus Christ

as there Lord and Savior

Shouldn't be concerned with time in the same way

the world is because we will live forever.

When you know your an eternal being.

You also know you have a limitless supply time


This changes your perspective from a world view on life.

To The Eternal Words view on life.

So may The Holy Spirit of God

always help you to take the time to tell the story


Jesus Christ The Hope of Glory.

So that many might believe


Be set free

As God brings the eternal increase

Though The actions


Words we speak

In all His Marvelous Magnanimity.

As you Go, May It Be So!

Final Notes for Sharing Jesus Christ:

1.  It is best to download
a bible application 

 to your phone rather than carrying a paper bible.

2.  It is best to download
a voice recorder application
to your phone rather than taking notes.

3.  It is best to download a notes application
to your phone rather than carrying pen and paper.


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